Thursday, October 29, 2020

Prevention Of Sexual Harassment At Work-Place

 The gender inequality issues have perpetually impacted our lives. Throughout time, women have been the driving power behind the strategies for gender equality. With the advent of Universalisation, the whole scenario has been changed drastically. Men have not remained the dominating ones in the working class of the community. 

Undoubtedly, women have acquired an enormous position in nearly all sectors. Unfortunately, sexual harassment at the workplace has also risen drastically over time. For this, many measures have been taken and implemented, but, it seems there is no stop for this growing nuisance in society.

"According to The Indian Constitution, when a woman is sexually harassed at the workplace, it violates her right to equality and her right to life. In 2013, The Ministry Of Women And Child Development in India passed the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, known as POSH Act. This Act aims to protect women at the workplace and provide them with a safe environment to work in." 

Many businesses are also attempting to encounter this heinous threat to women. Prevention of sexual harassment(POSH) is being introduced at workplaces, which plays a significant role in creating awareness among fellow employees and other co-workers. In today's corporate world, POSH's online training is obligatory, which could be the real guardian for the working ladies out there. It is now hugely practiced in organizations and has shown remarkable results as well.

The Online POSH Training is imperative as it empowers women with grievances with appropriate support provided for the sexual harassment at the workplace. PoSH Training enables an organisation with all the precautionary measures institutions can take to avoid any such cases from rising. Under the POSH Act, there is a clause for POSH training in corporate companies. According to this Act, all corporations having ten or more staff members must form an Internal Committee (IC).


  • Spreading Awareness

Many employees think that there might be nothing wrong with passing unsolicited comments and unwelcome favours from cube mates. Many things begin as little, but sometimes, a molehill turns into a huge mountain that can embarrass and shatter others' feelings and emotions. What is termed as “fun” for some may not be for others, and this way the work atmosphere becomes unfriendly and unhealthy. It drops the morale of employees, thus, resulting in low productivity.


  • Safe Working Environment


If every employee is aware of POSH regulations, they will remain conscious of the legalities and punishments related to every workplace harassment, organisations will be able to increase employees’ rate of abiding by PoSH laws and rules; employees will be aware of the different kinds of harassment and punishments; they will become much more serious and responsible in the office and will think twice before suggesting or doing anything inappropriate at work with any women. This creates the first step towards a safer working atmosphere too.


  • Trust and Respect


POSH  privileges the Internal IC community of an organization to take any legal disciplinary action against the molester. This will empower the women to be treated equally as other workplace employees. 



What is IC, and Who are its Members?


IC stands for the Internal Committee, which is required to be set up by the employer. The POSH Act states that an IC must aggregate a supervising officer and two members from among the staff, anyhow associated with the cause of women, and an outside member, ideally from an NGO.




Who Needs Training On The Online Certificate Programme On Posh?

  • HR professionals 

  • L&D professionals / Members from the leadership team 

  • Internal Committee members 

  • NGO representatives  

  • In-House Counsel's / legal team members 

Objectives Of The Online Certificate Programme On Posh?

The programme has been designed to help the participants to :-

  • Understand Sexual Harassment

  • Know the history of how POSH was formulated

  • Know about prevention, prohibition, and the redressal mechanism in PoSH

  • Understand how to create an Internal Committee in your organization

  • Understand the role of the Internal Committee in the redressal mechanism 

  • Understand how to work towards safe and secure workplaces

  • Learn PoSH Policies for Work-from-Home Setups

The Online Certificate Programme On Posh - Content

  • Why is POSH Training Required? 

  • Defining Sexual Harassment and offensive behaviours that can be considered harassment 

  • The statutory regulations and legal background of Sexual Harassment

  • Related Judicial Pronouncements

  • Provisions of the Act

  • Constitution of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

  • Duties and Roles of ICC

  • Third-Party Harassment

  • The elements of handling and prevention of unacceptable behaviour 

  • How to handle sexual harassment issues and complaints

  • Identifying Virtual Harassment in a Work-from-home Setup

  • Preventing & Responding to Virtual Harassment with PoSH

  • The various duties of the employer/employee to curb harassment

  • Various complications that arise while dealing with such cases

  • Mandatory Compliances

  • Case Studies

The Online Certificate Programme On Posh - Outcomes

  • Conduct Awareness Programmes for PoSH in your organization 

  • Guide your organization informing the Internal Complaints Committee

  • Help and counsel both complainant and respondent 

  • Follow all the compliance norms to avoid penalties

  • Enable your organization to have zero tolerance for sexual harassment issues

How does the Online Certificate Programme On Posh Training Help Corporates and Small Organizations?


The main benefits of conducting an online certification programme on PoSH Awareness are:-

  • It increases the level of satisfaction among the employees, and employee engagement increases way more than before.

  • The retention ratio of valuable employees will also be increased.

  • It helps in improving the quality of workplace culture.

  • Co-workers learn to respect each other.

  • If found guilty, an employer has to pay up to Rs 50,000 as a penalty. When found guilty for the second time, the penalty or punishment is usually doubled.

India Centre for Global Excellence (ICGE) provides the Online Certificate Programme On Posh Training with a proven methodology having the most syndicate presentations, group discussions, videos, and case studies. POSH's online certificate programme is tailored to deliver a case-based, active, and social Learning Experience in a highly engaging learning environment. NDIM-ICGE’s leading Faculty and top Industry Practitioners will bring their expertise and passion to the participants from across the globe. 
In 2020, Organisations have to remember that the efficient implementation of the POSH Act is vital to developing a sense of safety in the workplace that will be a contributing factor to increase in women's partnerships in all sectors. 
And, the first step towards that goal is POSH training.

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